3rd of Feb. is “Setsubun” in Japan.
If you missed my blog about Stsubun, please click here!
If you missed my blog about Stsubun, please click here!
In setsubun, we eat “Ehomaki”.
Ehomaki is a long sushi roll which you eat all in one go on the night of Setsubun,
while facing silently toward the year’s “lucky” direction with your eyes closed,
wishing for perfect health and praying for prosperity of business.
while facing silently toward the year’s “lucky” direction with your eyes closed,
wishing for perfect health and praying for prosperity of business.
You make ehomaki with seven ingredients, cucumber, shiitake mushrooms, seasoned omelet, teriyaki eel,
sweet fish flakes and kanpyo are rolled in seaweed representing the seven gods of happiness.
By doing so, people hope to bring happiness into their lives.
sweet fish flakes and kanpyo are rolled in seaweed representing the seven gods of happiness.
By doing so, people hope to bring happiness into their lives.